
Archive for July 29th, 2008

Today I am grateful for:

  1. That this house has not sold while we continue to look for a place to live.   I am hunting like mad, I am lowering expectations and widening my criteria by the day, but still we’ve not found a place.  I’m no longer looking for someplace I like, just for someplace that will work — we need to find a home soon.
  2. That when I went back to bed this morning after feeding E2, I just suddenly thought to poke M and ask what time he was getting up.  He rolled over sleepily and looked at the clock, then jumped out of bed and said, “30 minutes ago!  I forgot to set the alarm!”
  3. The chance to spend a little time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, even if I managed to do nothing the whole time but try in vain to keep my daughters quiet.

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